Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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BASIC Source File
400 lines
Option Explicit
'Compiled by: M. John Rodriguez, CIS ID: 100321,620
' Internet ID: jrodrigu@cpd.hqusareur.army.mil
' : 100321.620@compuserve.com
'Please feel free to distribute this for your use and experiments. Please ensure
'that you give credit to the folks who unknowingly helped to do this.
'This procedures contained in this module are the culmination of work supplied by various
'individuals. It would not be proper for me not to include their names. To make it easier
'to tell who authored what, their names are commented in the appropriate procedures.
' Module contains:
' App3DRegister - call this when you first begin your application
' App3DUnregister - call this just before you exit.
' ComboBoxIn3D - for combo boxes, called by FormIn3D
' ControlIn3D - for most controls, called by FormIn3D
' Dlg3DRegister - call this when you load your dialog form
' Dlg3DUnregister - call this when you unload the dialog form
' DlgIn3D - call this to set your dialog window attributes for CTL3D
' DlgSysMenu - removes the last entries in the system menu. Make sure that
' you set the MinButton and MaxButton properties to false so
' you wont have to look at the Restore, Minimize, and Maximize entries
' just shows the Move and Close menu items
' ExitProgram - Performs the cleanup for the application.. nothing exciting...
' FormIn3D - adds 3D appearance to VB's controls - does not use CTL3D
' LineIn3D - for graphic lines, called by FormIn3D
' Main - demonstrates that you don't need to start off with a form to use CTL3D
'CTL3D API calls... If you don't have CTL3DV2.DLL, you can delete the V2 and it should
'still work properly.
Declare Function Ctl3dAutoSubclass Lib "Ctl3DV2.DLL" (ByVal hInst As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function Ctl3dRegister Lib "Ctl3DV2.DLL" (ByVal hInst As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function Ctl3dUnregister Lib "Ctl3DV2.DLL" (ByVal hInst As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function Ctl3dSubclassDlgEx Lib "Ctl3DV2.DLL" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, dFlags As Long) As Integer
'Other API Calls for the Forms...
Declare Function GetModuleHandle Lib "Kernel" (ByVal ModuleName As String) As Integer
Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal nIndex As Integer) As Long
Declare Function GetWindowWord Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal nIndex As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal nIndex As Integer, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long
Global Const BUTTON_FACE = &H8000000F
Global Const FIXED_DOUBLE = 3
Global Const DS_MODALFRAME = &H80&
Global Const GWL_STYLE = (-16)
Global Const GWW_HINSTANCE = (-6)
Global Const CTL3D_ALL = &HFFFF
'Menu API's for adjusting the 3D Dialog box system menu...
Declare Function GetSystemMenu% Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd%, ByVal bRevert%)
Declare Function RemoveMenu% Lib "User" (ByVal hMenu%, ByVal nPosition%, ByVal wFlags%)
Global Const MF_BYPOSITION = &H400
'Some colors for us to use...
Global Const COLOR_BLACK = &H0&
Global Const COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY = &HC0C0C0
Global Const COLOR_DARK_GRAY = &H808080
'/* Ctl3d Control ID */
Global Const CTL3D_BUTTON_CTL = 0
Global Const CTL3D_LISTBOX_CTL = 1
Global Const CTL3D_EDIT_CTL = 2
Global Const CTL3D_COMBO_CTL = 3
Global Const CTL3D_STATIC_CTL = 4
'This is for the application itself. You need for your whole application.
'Otherwise, you won't get 3D Message Boxes and common dialogs.
Sub App3DRegister ()
Dim appInst%, suc%, appname$
appname$ = App.EXEName
'Get the application instance...
appInst% = GetModuleHandle(appname$)
'Now register the application
suc% = Ctl3dRegister(appInst%)
'now subclass all of the dialog and message boxes
suc% = Ctl3dAutoSubclass(appInst%)
End Sub
'Before you exit your application, give this procedure a call..
'In this case, I have a procedure called ExitProgram() that allows
'me to do all of my cleanup functions. This procedure is in there.
Sub App3DUnregister ()
'Call this just before your application exits..
Dim appInst%, suc%, appname$
appname$ = App.EXEName
'Get the application instance again..
appInst% = GetModuleHandle(appname$)
'Now unregister us...
suc% = Ctl3dUnregister(appInst%)
End Sub
Sub CenterForm (f As Form)
Dim iTop As Integer, iLeft As Integer
'Make sure we are normal..
If f.WindowState <> 0 Then Exit Sub
'Get the top and left coordinates for the form to be in the center
iTop = (Screen.Height - f.Height) \ 2
iLeft = (Screen.Width - f.Width) \ 2
'Now move us there..
f.Move iLeft, iTop
End Sub
' ControlIn3D paints a 3D-border around the control given in ctrlTarget.
' nBevel controls the the deepness, nSpace the distance between the control
' and the 3D-border and bInset sets the border to be drawn inset or outset.
' Parts of this code are taken from the VB Tips & Tricks help file.
' Original code written by Matej Nastran.
Sub ComboBoxIn3D (ctrlCombo As Control, nBevel As Integer)
Dim PixelX As Integer, PixelY As Integer
Dim CTop As Integer, CRight As Integer, CBottom As Integer
' Just put "No 3D" in the Tag property and your ComboBox keeps 2D
If InStr(UCase(ctrlCombo.Tag), "NO 3D") = 0 Then
ControlIn3D ctrlCombo, nBevel, 0, True
If ctrlCombo.Style = 0 Then 'Remove white space only
PixelX = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX 'if it is a Dropdown ComboBox
PixelY = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
CTop = ctrlCombo.Top
CRight = ctrlCombo.Left + ctrlCombo.Width
CBottom = ctrlCombo.Top + ctrlCombo.Height
ctrlCombo.Parent.Line (CRight - PixelX * 24, CTop)-(CRight - PixelX * 18, CBottom - PixelY), COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY, BF
End If
End If
End Sub
' ControlIn3D paints a 3D-border around the control given in ctrlTarget.
' nBevel controls the the deepness, nSpace the distance between the control
' and the 3D-border and bInset sets the border to be drawn inset or outset.
' Parts of this code are taken from the VB Tips & Tricks help file.
' Original code written by Matej Nastran.
Sub ControlIn3D (ctrlTarget As Control, nBevel As Integer, nSpace As Integer, bInset As Integer)
Dim CTop As Integer, CLeft As Integer, CRight As Integer, CBottom As Integer
Dim PixelX As Integer, PixelY As Integer, AddX As Integer, AddY As Integer
Dim i As Integer
' Just put "No 3D" in the Tag property and your control keeps 2D
If InStr(UCase(ctrlTarget.Tag), "NO 3D") = 0 Then
PixelX = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
PixelY = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
CTop = ctrlTarget.Top - PixelY
CLeft = ctrlTarget.Left - PixelX
CRight = ctrlTarget.Left + ctrlTarget.Width
CBottom = ctrlTarget.Top + ctrlTarget.Height
If bInset Then ' Draw border inset
For i = nSpace To (nBevel + nSpace - 1)
AddX = i * PixelX: AddY = i * PixelY
ctrlTarget.Parent.Line (CLeft - AddX, CTop - AddY)-(CRight + AddX, CTop - AddY), COLOR_DARK_GRAY
ctrlTarget.Parent.Line (CLeft - AddX, CTop - AddY)-(CLeft - AddX, CBottom + AddY), COLOR_DARK_GRAY
ctrlTarget.Parent.Line (CLeft - AddX, CBottom + AddY)-(CRight + AddX + PixelX, CBottom + AddY), COLOR_WHITE
ctrlTarget.Parent.Line (CRight + AddX, CTop - AddY)-(CRight + AddX, CBottom + AddY), COLOR_WHITE
Next i
Else ' Draw border outset
For i = nSpace To (nBevel + nSpace - 1)
AddX = i * PixelX: AddY = i * PixelY
ctrlTarget.Parent.Line (CRight + AddX, CBottom + AddY)-(CRight + AddX, CTop - AddY), COLOR_DARK_GRAY
ctrlTarget.Parent.Line (CRight + AddX, CBottom + AddY)-(CLeft - AddX, CBottom + AddY), COLOR_DARK_GRAY
ctrlTarget.Parent.Line (CRight + AddX, CTop - AddY)-(CLeft - AddX - PixelX, CTop - AddY), COLOR_WHITE
ctrlTarget.Parent.Line (CLeft - AddX, CBottom + AddY)-(CLeft - AddX, CTop - AddY), COLOR_WHITE
Next i
End If
End If
End Sub
'Call this procedure for each form. This is my add on to the the other code
'presented. I had a hard time with this but I was able to deduce two important
'1) VB Forms in by themselves are independent entities of each other in the
'VB environment. That means for each form to work, you have to at a minimum
'register it with CTL3D.
'2) Once you Initialize your Autosubclass for the app, you don't have to do it with
'each dlg because the main application has already done it. Solves the
'global application problem of having 3D Dialogs and Message Boxes and eliminates a GPF if
'you try to autosubclass once you already have done it.
Sub Dlg3DRegister (fm As Form)
Dim dlgInst%, suc%
'Get the forms instance for this case
dlgInst% = GetWindowWord(fm.hWnd, GWW_HINSTANCE)
'Register the dialog
suc% = Ctl3dRegister(dlgInst%)
End Sub
' Once you finish with the dialog, call this procedure in the form_unload
' event to deregister the dialog box.
Sub Dlg3DUnregister (fm As Form)
Dim dlghInst%, suc%
'Get the instance of the dialog
dlghInst% = GetWindowWord(fm.hWnd, GWW_HINSTANCE)
'Unregister it..
suc% = Ctl3dUnregister(dlghInst%)
End Sub
'This procedure makes my dialog box appear 3D.
'This snippet of code was taken by a submission from
'RANDRIAMBOLOLONA Roland H. - Compuserve ID - 100331,2516
'He says he got some of it from the MARCH '95 VBPJ Code Listing - TIPS.TXT
'This procedure was not commented, I am just telling you where I got the source
'for this because it works very well...
Sub DlgIn3D (frm As Form)
Dim hWnd As Integer
Dim iResult As Integer
Dim lStyle As Long
hWnd = frm.hWnd
If frm.BorderStyle = FIXED_DOUBLE Then
frm.BackColor = BUTTON_FACE
lStyle = GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_STYLE)
lStyle = lStyle Or DS_MODALFRAME
lStyle = SetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_STYLE, lStyle)
iResult = Ctl3dSubclassDlgEx(hWnd, &H0)
End If
End Sub
'This procedure modifies the menu for the dialog box.
'In order for this to work correctly, the form must have the MinButton and MaxButton set
'to false if you leave the ControlBox property set to true. Otherwise, Restore, Maximize, and
'Minimize will stay on...
'This snippet of code was taken by a submission from
'RANDRIAMBOLOLONA Roland H. - Compuserve ID - 100331,2516
'He says he got some of it from the MARCH '95 VBPJ Code Listing - TIPS.TXT
'The author did not say if he did this, I am passing the accolades - with a few
'modifications for readability
Sub DlgSysMenu (fm As Form)
Dim hSysMenu%, suc%
' Obtain the handle to the forms System menu
hSysMenu% = GetSystemMenu(fm.hWnd, False)
' Remove all but the MOVE and CLOSE options. The menu items
' must be removed starting with the last menu item.
suc% = RemoveMenu(hSysMenu, 8, MF_BYPOSITION) 'Switch to
suc% = RemoveMenu(hSysMenu, 7, MF_BYPOSITION) 'Separator
suc% = RemoveMenu(hSysMenu, 5, MF_BYPOSITION) 'Separator
End Sub
Sub ExitProgram ()
End Sub
' FormIn3D paints a 3D-border around controls on the given Form frmTarget.
' nBevel controls the the deepness of the 3D-border. bBlaster parameter removed,
' don't need it in this case.
' Controls that are affected:
' TextBox ListBox ComboBox
' DriveListBox DirListBox FileListBox
' Line
' ... (list can be easly expanded)
' Just put "No 3D" in the Tag property of a specific control or the form
' itself and it is not painted in 3D.
' Call this function from your forms Paint-event.
' Parts of this code are taken from the VB Tips & Tricks help file.
' Original code written by Matej Nastran.
Sub FormIn3D (frmTarget As Form, nBevel As Integer)
Dim DrawWidthOld As Integer, ScaleModeOld As Integer
Dim i As Integer, Ret As Integer
Dim ctrlTarget As Control
Static bBusy As Integer
If bBusy Then Exit Sub 'Got some DoEvents. Just in case...
bBusy = True
DrawWidthOld = frmTarget.DrawWidth
frmTarget.DrawWidth = 1
ScaleModeOld = frmTarget.ScaleMode
frmTarget.ScaleMode = 1 'Twips
'Loop controls
For i = 0 To (frmTarget.Controls.Count - 1)
Set ctrlTarget = frmTarget.Controls(i)
If TypeOf ctrlTarget Is TextBox Then ControlIn3D ctrlTarget, nBevel, 0, True
If TypeOf ctrlTarget Is ListBox Then ControlIn3D ctrlTarget, nBevel, 0, True
If TypeOf ctrlTarget Is ComboBox Then 'ComboBoxes are special
ComboBoxIn3D ctrlTarget, nBevel
End If
If TypeOf ctrlTarget Is DriveListBox Then ControlIn3D ctrlTarget, nBevel, 0, True
If TypeOf ctrlTarget Is DirListBox Then ControlIn3D ctrlTarget, nBevel, 0, True
If TypeOf ctrlTarget Is FileListBox Then ControlIn3D ctrlTarget, nBevel, 0, True
If TypeOf ctrlTarget Is Line Then 'Lines are also special
LineIn3D ctrlTarget
End If
If TypeOf ctrlTarget Is Label Then ControlIn3D ctrlTarget, nBevel, 0, True
Next i
frmTarget.DrawWidth = DrawWidthOld 'Always restore what you change
frmTarget.ScaleMode = ScaleModeOld
bBusy = False
End Sub
' LineIn3D paints the given Line-control ctrlLine in 3D.
' frmTarget is the Form containing that Line.
Sub LineIn3D (ctrlLine As Control)
If InStr(UCase(ctrlLine.Tag), "NO 3D") = 0 Then
ctrlLine.BorderColor = COLOR_DARK_GRAY
'Check if line is vertical or horizontal
If Abs(ctrlLine.X2 - ctrlLine.X1) > Abs(ctrlLine.Y2 - ctrlLine.Y1) Then
ctrlLine.Parent.Line (ctrlLine.X1, ctrlLine.Y1 + Screen.TwipsPerPixelY)-(ctrlLine.X2, ctrlLine.Y2 + Screen.TwipsPerPixelY), COLOR_WHITE
ctrlLine.Parent.Line (ctrlLine.X1 + Screen.TwipsPerPixelX, ctrlLine.Y1)-(ctrlLine.X2 + Screen.TwipsPerPixelX, ctrlLine.Y2), COLOR_WHITE
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub Main ()
'First things first, register my application...
'Now show the first form...
End Sub